“The very project of modernity is born out of the desire for a world without surprises, a safe world, a world without fear” says Bauman in a recent interview. This desire itself is continuously frustrated by novel, unthought-of and unexpected dangers, threats, risks and fears along the way. In this course we are going follow the trajectory of this pursuit or the project of modernity through the tangled threads of managing and maintaining order governed by anxieties over contamination, pollution and decay. Fear is becoming both the central trope of the everyday of late modernity and its analysis. In this course we are hoping to question its late found centrality through readings that remind us its constitutive role in the entirety of the project!, This is the presentation of a university seminar on the topic of fear.
Among the suggested readibgs there is is an interesting essay by F. Moretti, Dialectic of fear. You cn find it in Google books
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